Happiness is a decision and understand when you ask the question when you will be deeply and genuinely happy you are putting out resistance and not living in the now.
If you find yourself saying this....
- I won't be happy until my business is really taking off
- I won't be happy until I meet my soul mate
- I won't be happy until my debts are paid off
- I won't be happy until I buy a huge house
Then you will never be happy and will struggle with never feeling like your life is good enough. The biggest thing that truly takes us away from being happy is seeking approval of others, especially in a particular form. You may think that you need your business making a certain level of income before others will acknowledge to make you happy.
If you are not getting the approval from where you expect it like your parents or friends find it in other forms in your life... because it's there!
Essentially, true happiness comes deep from within and not from material things, or people. Nothing outside of yourself will give you this.
Happiness is a moment to moment choice. You chose to be happy, sad, depressed, or angry. Understand with happiness there is also sadness because no one can be 100% happy every day. We experience a range of emotions all the time and the key is to always reset yourself to your happy point when you get pulled back into emotions that are of a lower vibration.
How to have a happy day...
Look at your life and find the joy that you have in the smallest things...
- Your pet
- Your children laughing
- Your coffee
- Your significant others smile
Absorb the joy each day brings and always look for the smallest things during your day that makes you happy. Choosing to be happy IS a decision... once you chose to be happy no matter what your life will support you.
Your happy vibration will send a ripple of good back to you as it increases the flow of prosperity in all areas of your life.
Email me about private coaching at heather@TheSpiritTrainer.com.
Heather Picken is "The Spirit Trainer" who helps spiritually minded entrepreneurs energetically align themselves mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. Her unique blend of inner and outer principles in her Quantum Entrepreneur program helps entrepreneurs magnetize money and clients easily and effortlessly.
She is also an inspirational speaker, Certified Holistic Practitioner, Hypnotherapist, Spiritual Life/ Business Coach and Founder of the Virtual Prosperity Network For Women. She has over 13 years in integrating mind-body connection, Law of Attraction, intuition, and spiritual principles.
Go to Heather's Website to learn more about her and her products/programs.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Heather_Picken