If you're feeling bad I pray that this week's article will help you to feel good. If you're feeling good I hope that you'll feel even better! In the words of Suzanne Falter-Barns, "How much joy can you stand?"
I'm not much of a math guy, but I want to drop a few statistics on you. In a 24 hour day the average person spends anywhere from 8-10 hours at work, including travel. The average American starts working a full-time job at age 19. That person will work for the next 46 years. That's an awful lot of time dedicated to your job! If you're going to spend this much time working, don't you think you should be doing something you enjoy?
I know that you have to do what you have to do. Maybe you have kids or you've got bills; you've got that vacation coming up. Hey, you're grown and you have to take care of your responsibilities. But, are you truly happy? Is this really what you want? Or are you just settling for what you have? Do you believe that you deserve to be happy?
For the first 5 years after I graduated from college I had 5 different full-time jobs! That's right, 5! Can you imagine how unstable I was? Hopping from job-to-job and even getting fired twice. I had even launched business ventures that failed. My self- confidence took a major blow. There were times when I felt like a loser and even felt tempted to tell other people that. There were years when I just wasn't sure what was going to happen next. It was pretty scary.
But even during the tough times I'd remind myself that eventually things would work out and I deserved what I wanted. I deserved to feel good, be happy, and be successful. What I'm trying to tell you is that happiness is a state of mind. You can change your life instantly by changing how you think and how you speak.
Do you know that your words and thoughts have power? They are actually forms of energy that flow from your mouth and mind out into the universe. The universe (also known as God, the Creator, etc) then takes what you say and think and gives it to you. You deserve to be happy because God wants you to be. You need to be at your very best in order to give your gifts to this world that desperately needs them.
With that said, check this out. YOU CAN ASK FOR HAPPINESS! When I'm in the midst of an unpleasant time I say to myself, "I want to feel good." In essence, I'm requesting happiness. You can do the same. (For more on this, read works by Wayne Dyer, Jerry and Esther Hicks, and the Bible)
Before I go, I want to leave you with 5 Steps for Being Happy.
1. Think about times when you have felt happy, good or content. Where were you? Who were you with? What were you doing, thinking or feeling that made you feel happy?
2. Decide to make more time in your life to do more of what is important to you and makes you feel happier. To be happy, you have to make happiness a priority in your life.
3. Focus on what is positive about yourself, others and life in general instead of dwelling on the negative. In a journal, write down as many positive things as you can think of.
4. Appreciate what is working in your life right now. In the major areas of your life, such as your health, job, love life, friends, family, money and living situation, what is going well?
5. Get some help. Talk to someone like a psychotherapist, career counselor, or spiritual advisor (minister or teacher) to help you sort out what would make you happy.
For the past few years Derek Felton has engaged audiences all over with his philosophies on Purpose, Passion, and Attitude. Affectionately known as “Mr. Positive”, Derek has an uncanny ability to relate to a wide range of people – from skeptical teenagers to worldly adults.
Derek believes that each of us has a unique Purpose that we are responsible for discovering and nurturing. Without a clear focus of our mission we become stagnant, our decision-making falters, and our lives aren’t as fulfilling. His Passion is helping those who want to be empowered and encouraged. He also helps others to understand their potential. When you are Passionate about your Purpose your Attitude will allow you to achieve greatness! ( By Derek Felton )
Halo Teman, lama saya cari-cari akhirnya ketemu di blog ini.
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