One of the reasons why when a person being asked this question think before answering is because he/she is not sure if he/she is happy with his/her life now. He/She might need to think and balance things up to come up with the correct answer. But all should learn how to get the answer.
All of us should keep in mind that happiness is not just being happy with the things we have now or how much money we saved in the last few years but what we have accomplished. Happiness comes after contentment. And we should first need to find this contentment before we can find happiness.
Having so much problems and so much pain in life shouldn't stop us from saying: "I am happy." We have to find a way to make ourselves be able to say this short but meaningful statement. We need to walk on the road that leads to contentment so we can find happiness which is next to it. Very easy to say but it's very hard to be done.
In life, we will always find someone who can make us laugh. He/She might not be the one who will make us happy for the rest of our lives but we should treasure and take good care of this someone who comes along the way. As he/she might not be there in the end but he/she is with us to help us along the way.
In the next few weeks, I'll be submitting some more articles on how to make ourselves be contented and happy afterwards, not just looking happy but feeling happy inside out.
Alona has been working in a foreign country for almost six (6) years now. Experiencing a lot of ups and downs in her life inspired her to write some articles that would make people be inspired despite of all the challenges in life: from emotional to financial challenges in life. You can check out her blogs on how she made it through with all these challenges at [http://lucas528.blogspot.com] and [http://work2brich.blogspot.com] plus know more of her dogs at [http://gretriever.blogspot.com]
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