Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The Five As of Happiness

Holla my friend..., I hope you happy today...nice to meet you really..!

In our Declaration of Independence it is written that we have the God-given right to pursue happiness (please note that it says we have the right to pursue it but does not guarantee that we will find it). We all seek happiness and we look for it in all kinds of places -- sports, entertainment, sex, food, therapy, relationships - and we are often disappointed when we don't find it there. Jerry Leiber and Mike Stoller wrote a Hall of Fame song about this disappointment - Is That All There Is? - and Peggy Lee won a Grammy for singing it. It sings of the disappointment of seeking happiness and coming away empty handed and disappointed.

How many times do you start a thought with "If only..." with the remainder being an unspoken "then I would be happy"? How many truly happy people do you know? Do you consider yourself happy? What makes you happy?

There are five As that may point you in the right direction and these are appreciation, awareness, acceptance, acknowledgment and amazement.

Appreciation really doesn't have to be defined, it just has to be practiced. Look around you and take notice of all the things you have to be grateful for. Who and what do you appreciate? The little cheer that my grandson yells after every T Ball game comes to mind - "two, four, six, eight, who do we appreciate?" They appreciate the other team.

Who do you appreciate? Keep a running list of things you appreciate. Right at the top of my list are family who love me, fresh air, clean water, good food, freedom. Each one of those could spawn a new list. The list should grow longer and longer and never stop. But be careful, because appreciation can change your life for the better. Only do this exercise if you are serious about being happy.

Awareness goes hand in glove with appreciation. The more aware you become of everything around you, the more appreciative you will become. Do you see beauty everywhere? How long has it been since you picked up a fallen leaf and noticed the colors, the structure, the beauty of it? How long has it been since you "smelled the flowers." As a driver I'm always surprised at what I see on a daily route when someone else is driving.

When I drive I only see the traffic, the directional signs and the things I need to see to be safe and get us to our destination. When I'm a passenger I can be aware of the people, the architecture, the plants and flowers, the blueness of the sky, clouds and whatever is along the way. Become aware of other people and their expressions, their energy, their joys and sorrows. Become more aware of yourself - who you are and what you want and need, what you enjoy and do not enjoy. Awareness is a key ingredient for happiness.

Acceptance keeps you from trying to change yourself and everyone and everything around you. It allows you the freedom of being who you are and allowing others to be who they are as well. You have heard the saying, "I love you warts and all." That's acceptance. You don't have to judge or remake anyone you know. It's a very freeing concept and opens you up to happiness with yourself and others.

Acknowledgment lets you recognize your own talents, abilities, accomplishments and uniqueness as well as the talents, abilities, accomplishments and uniqueness of those around you. Acknowledgment of someone else's successes does not detract from your own or diminish you in any way. Nor does it generally make them arrogant.

Remember how good it feels when someone says sincerely to you, "Great job. Thank you?" You can give that gift to someone else. Start with your spouse and children if you are married. Those are four magnificent words: "Good job! Thank you." When is the last time you used them? Get them out, dust them off and use them until they become second nature. Thank you!

Amazement lets you look at everything through new eyes and exclaim "Wow!" When you are aware and you really see, you will be amazed by more and more. My grandson is a constant source of amazement to me because of his sweetness, his intelligence, his wit and his tenderness. He is six now and very wise and our conversations range from silly to profound.

I was too busy raising my own sons to be in such amazement but as a Gramma I have time. Look for the things in your life that make you say "Wow!" Amazement is great for your spirit as well as for your blood pressure, so make an effort to allow amazement back into your life.

Those five A's can bring you closer to happiness than almost anything I know. Happiness is an inside job, after all, and appreciation, awareness, acceptance, acknowledgment, and amazement are some of the tools that help you work there.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Irene_Conlan

Top 10 Steps to Your Happiness

Holla my friend..., I hope you happy today...nice to meet you really..!

The first key to creating the rich life you desire is as simple as waking up the happy inside you. The Law of Attraction gives us insight to like attracts like. If you're not happy and you're not thinking happy thoughts or feeling happy then you may be unknowingly attracting unhappiness. Breaking the cycle of unhappiness will break you free to the life you desire.

Being happy is a state of mind. As simple as it sounds, being happy is a choice that you make. Many people feel unhappy because they have not learned how to focus on their desires. They don't know that there really is a way to create the life you desire. Therefore they're like lost souls in the fog. They want to be happy. They wish they could be happy. But without the secrets to happiness they walk around unknowingly manifesting more and more unhappiness in their lives.

The following 10 steps will get you on the right road to manifesting the happiness you desire.

1. Focus for a moment on what makes you unhappy. What is the opposite? What would make you happy?

2. Picture in your mind the happiness you want in your life. I mean a clear picture. What does it look like?

3. Visualization is a key component in creating the mindset of your desires. A visual reminder of what would make you truly happy is a must. Create a vision board with pictures and words of what you want in life and be sure to look at it at least 3 times a day.

4. Feel the outcome of your goals in the pit of your stomach. You can never achieve what you set your mind to unless you first feel a heated desire and believe it is possible.

5. You may trip, but do not fail. Just when success is within your reach you may be tripped up by what you might see as a failure. Do not stop. As you keep going and stand back up success may within your reach just over the next hill.

6. Take time to celebrate even the little accomplishments. This will refresh your brain and give you the mental capacity to keep moving towards success.

7. Look inside the word impossible and you'll find the words I'm Possible. Don't let anyone tell you that your goals aren't possible. You wouldn't be able to see the possibilities if you didn't already have the capability within you to accomplish your goals.

8. Be conscious. Whether you realize it or not, what you've done on a daily basis has gotten you to where you are today. Make a conscious decision to strive to create what you really want in life.

9. Don't be afraid of what other people think. Look, you are the only person that can create the happiness in your life that you desire. Worrying about what other people think is what all too often holds people back from living the life they dream of.

10. Give yourself permission to want. If you have the ability to dream it, you have the ability to achieve it. You are only on this earth once and you get to choose which road that journey takes.

Following the 10 steps mentioned above is the first step to your happiness. Make it a habit to practice these 10 steps on a daily and hourly basis and you'll find your way to happiness before you know it.

Tammy Matthews has published widely on the subject of living the life of your dreams. She is excited to be able to empower others to succeed. If you found the information in this article helpful, claim your Free Report on Living the Life of Your Dreams available at =>

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Tammy_D_Matthews

Friday, January 21, 2011

The Secret of Being Genuinely Happy

Holla my friend..., I hope you happy today...nice to meet you really..!

Happiness is a decision and understand when you ask the question when you will be deeply and genuinely happy you are putting out resistance and not living in the now.

If you find yourself saying this....

- I won't be happy until my business is really taking off

- I won't be happy until I meet my soul mate

- I won't be happy until my debts are paid off

- I won't be happy until I buy a huge house

Then you will never be happy and will struggle with never feeling like your life is good enough. The biggest thing that truly takes us away from being happy is seeking approval of others, especially in a particular form. You may think that you need your business making a certain level of income before others will acknowledge to make you happy.

If you are not getting the approval from where you expect it like your parents or friends find it in other forms in your life... because it's there!

Essentially, true happiness comes deep from within and not from material things, or people. Nothing outside of yourself will give you this.

Happiness is a moment to moment choice. You chose to be happy, sad, depressed, or angry. Understand with happiness there is also sadness because no one can be 100% happy every day. We experience a range of emotions all the time and the key is to always reset yourself to your happy point when you get pulled back into emotions that are of a lower vibration.

How to have a happy day...

Look at your life and find the joy that you have in the smallest things...

- Your pet

- Your children laughing

- Your coffee

- Your significant others smile

Absorb the joy each day brings and always look for the smallest things during your day that makes you happy. Choosing to be happy IS a decision... once you chose to be happy no matter what your life will support you.

Your happy vibration will send a ripple of good back to you as it increases the flow of prosperity in all areas of your life.

Email me about private coaching at heather@TheSpiritTrainer.com.

Heather Picken is "The Spirit Trainer" who helps spiritually minded entrepreneurs energetically align themselves mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. Her unique blend of inner and outer principles in her Quantum Entrepreneur program helps entrepreneurs magnetize money and clients easily and effortlessly.
She is also an inspirational speaker, Certified Holistic Practitioner, Hypnotherapist, Spiritual Life/ Business Coach and Founder of the Virtual Prosperity Network For Women. She has over 13 years in integrating mind-body connection, Law of Attraction, intuition, and spiritual principles.

Go to Heather's Website to learn more about her and her products/programs.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Heather_Picken