Friday, January 21, 2011

Tips on Dealing With Happiness

Holla my friend..., I hope you happy today...nice to meet you really..!!

All of us want to be happy and are in constant pursuit of it. But it seems to be all elusive. It comes for a while but is fleeting! It is probably like catching the clouds. When we were kids, we thought being an adult was fun. But ask most adults and they will tell you how much they miss those care free days of childhood!

They badly want to be kids again! When one is unemployed they yearn for a job and pray for anything to come by their way. When one gets a job, the thrill and excitement wanes with time. And then before one realizes it, unhappiness and discontent about the new job creeps in. Either it's the supervisor or the compensation, but one conveniently manages to find a reason.

The single ones envy the married while the married look back at the great times they had being single! We human beings are constantly looking to have what we don't. Is being happy a problem? Well, not really! Without this attribute, Mankind could not have managed all the marvelous inventions and discoveries over thousands of years. We would have remained where we were 50,000 years ago or we might have even become extinct! If this is a boon, and then what is the problem?

This desire to have more, to have better things drives us to perform and is the engine of our progress. While desires are good, it is dangerous when we get obsessed with them. So much so, that we ignore everything else and eventually land up being unhappy.

We have become good at counting our failures or miseries when we should in fact be counting our blessings. How many times have we praised this great miracle called life? How many times have we bothered to count our blessings in the form of family, friends, eyes, ears, hands legs etc.? If we just close our eyes for 5 minutes and try living our life we will realize that we are blessed! We take the goodness of life for granted!

Happiness is not just about success in our goals, it is about learning to enjoy what we already have while still dreaming and working for the unachieved, bigger better things! Next time we feel bad about the big hurdle on our way in achieving the next big goal in life, let us take a minute to appreciate the wonderful aroma of the morning coffee, watch the birds fly up in the sky, gaze at the sky and look at the countless stars and the ever changing cloud, spend some time to smell the flowers or take a look at the blooming flowers or the humming bee!

If that doesn't work, we could reflect on some good incidents in life or an instance of success in our life! Each one of us would surely have some achievement or some incident in life that makes us feel great or proud or happy! If that too doesn't excite us because we think our misery is worse, let us think of the soldier who is willing to give his life for the nation just so that you and I can be safe! Let us think of the laborer who works many more hours with no hope of a better life while struggling to barely make enough to feed himself and his family.

Hopefully, this will help us realize how blessed we are. This will then reenergize us and help us chase our dreams with renewed vigor! Great pleasure is in some way our ability to count our blessings and not count our miseries! Whilst there are may ways to happiness, chasing dreams while being excited about all the wonderful gifts of life, the happiness one has conquered, yet not forgetting the struggles of others and the vastness of the cosmos and the success of the self would surely take us in the right direction.

Article Source:
thank you : Sanjana Uthappa N

How to Have a Happy Life

Holla my friend..., I hope you happy today...nice to meet you really..!!

While people own several diversified purposes, there is an almost general fundamental goal: to be happy!

There are lots of things which make us happy, but often we stress over not having accomplished our purposes or, worse, we reach them and we discover that we are not happy yet. This may be bedeviling and implores the interrogation "how does one accomplish the goal of being happy?".

Researches show that happiness is a mood that does not have to do with tangible goods or great accomplishment, it appears to wear away to your expectation about living and the quality of your relationships with the others.

Most of us spend a lot of time producing money because we think that they are going to bring happiness in our life or they will defend us against matters which can make us unpleasant. We should know that jobs gives us happiness. .

Lifestyle is just component of the happiness equation. Your mental attitude about living and the matters which encounter to you daily may also affect your general degree of felicity and life gratification.

So lifestyle characteristics have an important impact on individual happiness levels, but what is more significant is ones posture towards life.

As we all know, optimists incline to be happier then the others because they have a specific way of thinking which offers more achiever, dandier wellness, great satisfaction and they have an internal locus of control; they believe that they are the masters of their destiny instead of victims of hazard.

Most people have done everything that was possible in order to have the best career and they are successful, but still unhappy. . It is also common that you are surrounded by a wonderful house, a great car and stuff like that and you still have little individual satisfaction. What make you happy?. . . . .

It can be said that there lots of factors which make you happy but you should keep a balance between them:social affirm, individual evolution, personal wellness and significant goals, financial security and meaning career. These factors combined are expected to bring you the happiness that you are waiting for.

Try to be happy. . . Make some positive changes in your life gradually, following three important steps:

- for the beginning, adjust belittled gettable goals

- then, repay your advance for every small purpose, offering yourselves the opportunity to be proud and to have an reward

- and, finally, do not forget to draft social support. Tell the others about your successes, this is going to offer you more strength and will make it less likable to abandon. Explain yourselves to the ones you care!

In conclusion, you should know that what really makes you happy is the way until happiness and not the purpose of being happy itself. . .
Article Source:
thank you : Eva Conduce

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Don't Worry - Be Happy - 10 Steps to Happiness

We have all heard the song 'Don't Worry, Be Happy' and we really should take this message to heart.

Living a happy, carefree life is very beneficial for your health. Being happy can even protect you from added stress in your life.

Social networks or relationships are essential to happiness. Everybody is different, you need to accept people for who or what they are, avoid clashes, constant arguments, and let go of all kinds of resentments. If arguments seem unavoidable still try and make an effort to understand the situation and see it from another point of view.

To be happy is relatively easy, just decide to be a happy person. There is a great quote from Abraham Lincoln, he says that, "Most people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be."

The following are 10 great ideas to bring more happiness into your life:

  1. Be grateful it is a great attitude. We all have so much to be thankful for. Thank the shop assistant for serving you, thank the taxi driver for getting you home safely. Also thank the mailman for bringing you your mail, thank your friends for being your friends and thank God for being alive.
  2. Avoid too much news. 99% of all news is bad news, that is not the way to start your day. News causes stress.
  3. Manage your time. Time is so valuable and much too important to waste. Set yourself goals, keep to do lists and prioritize. I get so much more done if I have a planned list of tasks, it is also very satisfying to tick them off when completed.
  4. Laugh and laugh heartily everyday. 'Laughter is the best medicine' - if you hear a good joke share it. If you look hard enough at your surrounding there is always something that can make you laugh.
  5. Don't be afraid to express your feelings and passions to people around you. You will find that they will do the same.
  6. If you feel anger and frustration find a way to release it that will not cause hurt or injury to others.
  7. Enjoy your work, take great satisfaction in completing tasks. Accomplishments are necessary for everyone they give you a great sense of achievement.
  8. Learning is a joyful exercise. Try and learn something new everyday. Learning makes us expand and broaden our horizons, this could also give us more opportunities in the future.
  9. Run, jog, walk and do other things that your body was made for. Feel alive.
  10. Avoid exposure to negative elements like loud noises, toxins and hazardous places.

Just these few simple things can make such a positive impact on your life. Don't Worry - Be Happy

Jill Jackson